Mirjam Kabki
Kabki (1975) obtained her Master’s degree
in development studies at the University of Nijmegen based
on her research on the role of social capital to obtain good
drinking water in Indian villages. She is a PhD candidate
in the TransNet research program. She joined the project
in 2002 and conducted a year’s fieldwork in four parts
of rural Ashanti to investigate the economic behaviour of
Ashanti villagers who are linked through family ties or friendships
with migrants in Amsterdam. Her aim was to see how the transnational
network in which these villagers find themselves influences
life in Ashanti villages. She is now working on her dissertation.
Supervisors: Prof. J.W. Gunning, Prof. T. Dietz, Dr. V. Mazzucato
E-mail: m.j.e.kabki@uva.nl
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January 31, 2006
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